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“The things hollow - it goes on forever - and - oh my God! - it’s full of stars!”
- Arthur C. Clarke 2001: A Space Odyssey

The studio was a continuation of work on near figuration through the use of involutions. In this way, distinct and legible objects emerge from illegible and uncertain conditions. Ultimately, what is at stake is the status of the object, its qualities, and our lack of access to them as they withdraw into black interiors.

This proto-architectural shape is the result of graphic and formal features deployed in combination to create involutions: conditions which silmultaneously create the effect of exterior depth and interior spatial figuration.
A threshold is created between inside and out which is not blurred but elastic, and at times uncertain.
The crystaline figures ambigiously sink in and push out of the form at the same time, creating tension between envelope and space. Mystery is created in that not all involutions are points of entry, but moments of a lack of access.

Forms were rendered in a lightstudio environment, 3D printed, and then rearticulated to mimic and enhance the qualities of the image. The models were a method to visualize the prototectonic nature of these rendered effects in the built environment.

Critic: Tom Wiscombe